It feels good to be understood.
Maybe you’re here because you’re feeling anxious, stressed, and unsettled. Perhaps you're having trouble feeling happy and fulfilled but your life is good so you don't understand why. Maybe you've experienced a trauma, but "other people have it worse" so you feel guilty acknowledging it. It’s likely that you have a hard time being present because your mind races a million times a minute. Maybe what’s causing you headache and heartache are the complicated relationships you have with family members ("what boundaries?"). You might even be coming out of a romantic relationship that stripped you of your identity and you need help finding yourself again.
Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? Are you always chasing success, money, relationships, and happiness to the point of burn out? And despite achieving your goals, you still somehow feel like it’s you’re not enough, right?
I bet you’re really good at convincing everyone and yourself that “you’re fine” but you're secretly a mess. You never want to burden anyone so you keep it all to yourself. You probably seem confident but on the inside you feel insecure and lost.
What makes this step you’re taking even harder (and commendable) is that you tend to put everyone else first, so in this moment, you might not even know what you want or need.
I’m here to help you figure it out.